Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Logo Test for 2015

Thanks to the work of a prodigious graphics artist, we have several combinations of useable logos for this year. Over the course of the next eight weeks, we will be testing, evaluating and asking you, the members of The Success Team: 2015 to vote for your favorite logo (generally and specifically). 

The first, main logo design is now visible. Size, shape and location will be changed regularly as a test of success for this logo. Pleaase feel free to comment, vote, suggest, recommend, etc. on the logo, and all that goes with it.

To YOUR Success!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The First Question is Always The Same, Always The Most Important!

A mentor of mine some years ago, W. Clement Stone, used to tell me that I should "Review the basics once each year." He suggested beginning the review on the first day of the year, adding that "It usually takes just about a year to review the basics."

He was right. When we get bogged down in the business of working "in" the business, we tend to shy away from working "on" the business. 

As students of my courses will quickly affirm, the first question they must answer in order to work with myself or the Success Team is: "Why?"

It usually takes a bit of time to clear away the surface clutter of an easy, and usually acceptable answer to this most important question, and get down "into the depths" of what the real and true answer actually is.

As an example, "Money!", or "Income!", or anything which could even tangentially associated with these answers is always, and inevitably untrue. You won't realize that, however, on the surface. While it may be entirely true that there is a financial imperative involved in your journey to visualizing and realizing your success (which is perfectly acceptable, by the way!), it is not money or a paycheck which answers this most important question. 

I give my students, customers, and associates the same "First Assignment". (Red indicates an assignment, or action item you should complete for The Success Team.

Here it is again:

Write between 250 - 500 words which specifically answer this question. Make certain it is THE answer to the question which will motivate your success this year. When you have completed this assignment, let me know as a comment or reply to this post. Then, let's talk about it. 

It would really be outstanding if I, or another member of The Success Team were NOT the first human you talked with about your answer to this question. But, if that is the case, we'll be honored to talk with you about YOUR answer.

To YOUR Success!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

2015 And Beyond

The Worldwide Success Team

Hello, and welcome to the NEW Success Blog for 2015!

We will be posting here beginning January 1st, 2015 (As it happens!). We will be having a live Google Hangout (Stay Tuned for details here), a live Spreaker show, and a very special radio show to kick off the year.

It's a victory celebration for 2015. We expect that you will join us. After all, it's YOUR celebration.

It's a brand new blog, so we'll be setting it up between now and the New Year. Subscribe early, and stay tuned for some exciting updates as we have some amazing new items you will only find here.

Fondly, and as always,

To YOUR Success!

Bud Fields 

"The Webcast Guru"